step 1: watch the explainer video

The Mare Nostrum started on July 1st, 2019 in Knokke at the Dutch / Belgian border. So far, we have run over 9.800kilometers of coastlines, creating two books in the process:
see link.

You can join this unique ongoing journey: Claim your 100km stage of coastline here and become part of a community that is trying to RUN around EUROPE. You will become a co-author of the book where your stage will be featured.

A team of minimum 2 persons need to register (and each pay the entry fee) for a Stage. In return for your subscription your team gets a full day support along the stage, acces to your pictures taken by our photographers, a beer at the end of the Stage and last but not least one copy of the printed book in which your stage appears. We’re very much looking forward to have you on board! Please read the rules of engagement for more information about subscribing and FAQ.

step 2: select a date
step 3: select a stage
step 4: review the route
Stage Nr:
Start Date:
Start Coordinates:
Start City:
Finish Date:
Finish City:
Finish Coordinates:
step 5: participate