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In 2025, we are running from Malaga, ES to Vibo Marina, IT!
let's conquer
the European coast
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the journey across the european coast
european coast
Follow the Coast is the longest relay run ever, covering all European shores. It’s a journey of co-creation that will be ran by teams covering 100km each. We invite each team to pick a Stage and contribute to this unforgettable adventure. If you do, you’ll start running at 7 a.m. on the day of your stage, forming the connection between the team that ran the stage before and after yours. Together we run and co-write the story of the entire European coastline. You have to reach the end of your Stage within 24 hours where the next team takes over to continue the journey.
to co-achieve
We will run the European coast together.
Every 24h one team will run a Stage of 100km.
Stage by stage
Team by team,
Day by day,
We will bridge the entire coastline of Europe.
Together, we will prove anything is possible.
to co-create
We will travel incredible places along our coastal journey. We will document all that beauty in one book.
The book will be a visual travel guide for hikers, road trippers and culture lovers, written by your footsteps.
As the road is long and the bucket of beauty plenty, we will write a serie of books. The first one documents the entire coastline from Knokke to San-Sebastian, the Basque gastronomic capital close to the French - Spanish border. Our second book covers the entire northern and western coast of the Iberic Peninsula, from San Sebastián to Gibraltar. You can buy these books here. Our third book will document Gibraltar to Monaco and the fourth will tell the story of the entire Italian coastline! Check our Kickstarter or Instagram for more info.
to co-inspire
Being part of a movement, we want to co-inspire and support three charitable pillars.
The first pillar is helping physically disabled people. We want to show limits can be pushed.
The second pillar is fighting mental challenges & prevention of suicide. We want to be a source of inspiration and create collective energy to fight hopelessness.
The third pillar is stopping plastic littering in sea & oceans. We want to show the endless treasure nature has given us and clean-up beaches.
The Book co-written by thousands of people
We follow the runners with photographers and support them on their journey. We capture the beauty of all the extraordinary places we encounter to showcase in our books. Hundreds of unknown harbours, cliffs, lighthouses, villages, romantic bays or idyllic fjords will be captured. By traveling the entire coastline, we will be able to tell the story of slowly changing geography, interesting history and local highlights, creating a never before told story in a wonderful encyclopedia-format.
Our trail camps are social, sportive getaways where runners of all levels are welcome to conquer beautiful trails together in a fun and non-competitive way. Join us on happy, healthy holidays through hidden gems that will make you a better trailrunner, with even more running buddies!
check out the trips
Follow the Coast in a nutshell
Stage by Stage, team by team we will run Europe’s coastline. Together.
the causes we do it for, our charities.
At Follow the Coast we plan to support 3 pillars of charity as we feel they relate in a very strong way to the challenge we commit to. We invite teams to support a charity cause by linking the completion of their Stage to raising funds or awareness.
Donate to a charity
We want to inspire people to challenge their limits and support organizations helping people to get the most out of their disability or doing scientific research to improve medical solutions.
Mental health issues are becoming our society’s biggest problem. People are craving for purpose and belonging. We want to connect people again. Second we want to raise funds for organizations fighting suicide and mental diseases.
sea solution of plastic
Follow the Coast is all about discovering the incredible treasures Mother Earth has given us. We want to raise awareness and gather funds to stop littering, gather and recycle plastic and find durable solutions for the future.
are you ready to be part of something big?
We have to admit, this is a crazy challenge.
The idea would stay an empty shell without your courage and commitment, engaging yourself to completing 100km. We are grateful for the energy and drive of already hundreds of people who joined the Follow the Coast, transforming this crazy idea into an unforgettable journey of people building something as unforgettable together.
‘No human is limited’ - E. Kipchoge, runner
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